Asiana Wedding Magazine Publishes an Article on Flower Station
Wedding Flowers
We were very honoured last week to find out that the famous Asiana Wedding magazine had published a small article on Flower Station’s wedding flowers decorations. It was quite unexpected and having discovered it on my colleague’s desk, I decided to publish it. Apart from the fact that it makes my job easier by having words written for me already, I really did find it quite interesting if not only for the views of our MD, who takes a lot of our wedding consultations himself. So, if you’re planning an absolutely awesome wedding and are looking into having a dream design that’s never been seen before, than freely email – and yes you will be talking to the ‘boss’.
“Because of their great variety and versatility there are infinite ways in which you can use flowers for weddings,” advises Spalé from Flower Station, a 24 hour London florist.
Choosing which flowers to use is just the beginning Spalé explains: “70% of weddings that we do incorporate roses and lilies. White roses are the classic wedding flowers, although avalanche rose varieties are more luxurious so are becoming more popular”. When it comes to using flowers for decorative purposes, aspects such as fragrance, texture and freshness are just as important as colour.
Popular venue decorations include floral sculptures, curtains and backdrops. Detailed smaller structures can also be placed around your venue to enhance the interiors, with posies and pomanders hung from hooks and on the backs of chairs always look attractive. Florists should visit your venue beforehand so they can advise on the best placing to put arrangements. The grander your vision, the earlier you should book – at least four months beforehand – with final decisions being made two months ahead of the Big Day. Spalé adds “Flowers work best when they reflect their surroundings as naturally as possible.”