Wedding at Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Knightsbridge
Wedding Flowers
I haven’t blogged for a while now and I’ve actually really missed it. I haven’t been lazy ; ), but my services were needed in another department of this great company. As such, my desk has been hit with all kinds of different blogging ideas, mostly through events that have occurred here at Flower Station over the last couple of weeks. The one that I’ve chosen is a wedding event that we’ve completed at the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge. It was the first time we had actually worked at this magnificent venue, which is quite strange since we’ve pretty much worked in all other places in Knightsbridge a multitude of times. As expected, their staff were excellent and catering was truly first class.
I really enjoyed the comments people have been making with regards to our blogs – please keep them coming – and I have specifically been asked to keep our photos bigger by a number of people, as I have done lately and will do from now on. I guess a lot of people who have participated in these events have copied them and I am truly happy for it, if nor only for the fact someone out there is really reading this. A lot of floristry students have also paid more attention to some of the flower designs and flowers themselves. I can only say and promise that I will keep it coming, but if you have a story or a photo yourself and would like to see it published in our blog, please email our resident geek, who will be more than happy to put it up here (if it passes the test of ‘interest’ that is).
Finally we would like to congratulate the lovely wedding couple, wish them a long prosperous life together and thank them for using Flower Station – needless to say they were an absolute pleasure to work with.