mother's day bouquets, Mother's day flowers, mother's day roses

Our top picks for Mothers’ Day

Author: Libbi Cohen

Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show appreciation for the special women in our lives. Whether you’re looking for something classic or a little more unique, we’ve curated our top picks for the perfect Mother’s Day flowers. From timeless roses to vibrant mixed bouquets, these selections are sure to bring a smile to Mum’s face and make her day extra special.

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History of Mothers’ Day

Mothers’ Day is a holiday celebrated annually throughout the world. The first Mothers’ Day took place in the United States in 1907. A woman called Anna Jarvis held a memorial service for her mother who, during her lifetime, had organised female-only groups to promote friendship and health. Since then, Mothers’ Day has been celebrated every year.

Although the first ‘Mothers’ Day’ took place in 1907, festivals honouring mothers and motherly figures date back to ancient periods. For example, the Phrygians had a festival to celebrate Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods.

While Mothers’ Day is primarily a day to celebrate and honour mothers, the day is widely known to celebrate the other motherly figures, including grandmothers and aunties.

Mother's Day Flowers

Say it with flowers this Mother's Day – visit our enchanting collection now!

How to celebrate Mothers’ Day

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate Mothers’ Day! You may wish to simply tell your Mother, or another important motherly figure, how much you appreciate them. Others may wish to purchase cards or gifts. Here at Flower Station we like to keep things simple and believe the best way to mark the day is with flowers. Flowers have long been associated with femininity and womanly grace due to their delicate petals and vibrant perfumes, making them an ideal gift for the important women in your life. Flowers have also been used for centuries to send private and personal messages - Victorians used flowers to express their feelings to the extent that they created their very own ‘language of flowers’ that is still spoken by florists to this day!

Which flowers should I buy for Mothers’ Day?

At Flower Station, you can speak to any of our expert florists who can create a bespoke bouquet, allowing you to send a personal message through your flowers.

Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin! We have shortlisted our favourite bouquets to mark the occasion that will be sure to instantly brighten your loved one’s day.

Pink Lilies in a Vase

A beautiful bouquet with fragrant pink Stargazer lilies, carefully combined with eucalyptus cinerea. This bouquet comes with a complimentary, elegant glass vase. Warning to cat owners: this bouquet is not cat-friendly, so be cautious where you place it.

A vase with pink lilies and green leaves

Mimosa in a Jar

This flower has traditionally been associated with International Women’s Day, making it an incredibly fitting choice as a Mothers’ Day gift! The Acacia flower is so beautiful and vibrant that we have bunched a generous amount together and placed it in a stylish, yet simple, glass jar.

A bouquet of yellow mimosas in a glass vase

Mixed Tulips

This colourful and uplifting bouquet captures the beauty of Spring! The vibrancy of this bouquet will be sure to brighten any room. Please note, colours may vary subject to availability.

A bouquet of colorful tulips

Hello Yellow

This bouquet is cheerful and uplifting, making it a perfect gift to make someone smile! It boasts a variety of Spring flowers in delightful shades of sunshine yellow, including yellow roses, carnations, limonium, wax flowers and thistle.

A bouquet of yellow flowers

Aspects of Love

We created this show-stopping bouquet to celebrate Andrew Lloyd Webber’s acclaimed musical ‘Aspects of Love’. We have combined pink and red roses and purple stocks, creating a bold and elegant bouquet. Mothers’ Day is about celebrating all aspects of love! Whether you want to give love to your mother; your grandmother; your wife/partner; or anyone else this Mothers’ Day, this bouquet is perfect!

a bouquet of red flowers

Sweet Tulips in a Vase

Tulips are one of the most popular flowers, particularly in Spring! This bouquet contains a wonderful selection of pink and red tulips, personally selected by our expert florists, placed in a complimentary glass vase.

A bouquet of tulips in a glass vase

J Street

This luxurious bouquet contains hydrangeas, astilbe, trachelium, nigella, scabious and dill flowers with a generous amount of foliage. This is a best-seller at Flower Station and it’s easy to see why!

A bouquet of white flowers

Harmony in Bloom

This radiant bouquet showcases an array of blossoms in soft, warm tones, including pink and yellow roses, carnations and alstroemerias.

a bouquet of colourful flowers

Baby’s Breath in a Vase

If you prefer to keep things simple this Mothers’ Day then this bouquet is the one for you. We have bunched together a generous amount of luxury baby’s breath, also known as gypsophila. These flowers are said to signify eternal love, making them an excellent gift to show your love and appreciation for your mother this Mothers’ Day!

A vase with white baby's breath flowers


Placed carefully in a handmade, clear glassfish bowl is a beautiful collection of pink roses. Our expert florists have added hosta leaves and a stem of a hydrangea at the bottom of the bowl, making this arrangement extra special.

a bouquet of white roses in a glass vase

St Germain

This bouquet is simply stunning, boasting a wonderful amount of luxurious roses, hand-tied by our florists with an elegant pink ribbon.

A bouquet of white roses

Wild At Heart

Filled with red roses, pink roses, wax flowers, veronica flowers and eucalyptus roses, it’s unsurprising that this is another all-time favourite at Flower Station.

a bouquet of red and pink roses

Rose Delight

This bouquet comes in a variety of colours, including white, pink, red, orange and yellow, meaning that there truly is something for everyone.

A bouquet of pink roses

One in a Million

I’m sure we can all agree that our mothers are one in a million! So what better way to show your appreciation for your mother than with this beautiful bouquet? We have combined pink roses, pink dianthus and purple alstroemerias to create a colourful, uplifting bouquet that will brighten up any space.

A bouquet of flowers

Princess Izabella

This chic bouquet combines exquisite red and pink dianthus, set against towering astillbe and fresh foliage.

A bouquet of pink and red Dianthus flowers with a black ribbon

Red Rose and Gysophila Bouquet

This is a luxurious and stunning bouquet, made up of long-stemmed red roses and gragrant gypsophila.

A bouquet of red roses and white baby's breath in a black bag

Gerbera Bouquet

This colourful bouquet is the essence of Spring and will add a smile across the face of your mother this Mothers’ Day.

A bouquet of colourful Gerbera flowers, fern and pittosporum in a black bag

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Have you left buying a gift to the last minute? Don’t worry, we have you sorted with same day delivery in London and next day delivery across the rest of the UK! Check out our website and make your loved one’s day with just the click of a button. 

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